Explore The Beach
What is The Beach?
Our history
Originally designated as a national teaching school alliance in 2015, The Beach has a proven track record of partnership working that delivers:
- high quality professional and leadership development
- school support,
- research and innovation
- initial teacher training
Following the end of the National Teaching School programme in August 2021, as part of our commitment to develop, strengthen and support quality educational provision it was essential that we continue to provide the services, capacity, experience and expertise provided by The Beach for all schools to access.
The Beach continues to lead professional development, research and innovation. We collate and centralise best thinking, driving evidence-based practice and school improvement. Schools can access a full range of coordinated educational services that include:
- consultant and peer support for leaders and teachers
- high-quality evidence-based professional development
- participation in initial teacher training
- SEMH (social, emotional, mental health) training and support
- cognition and learning training and support
- sports premium management
- access to our PE Hub of excellence
- participation in a full programme of networks, working parties, pilots, projects and briefings
- education welfare support and training
- administration training
- finance training
- HR training
- business management and strategy training
- health, safety and compliance training
- project and events management
- bespoke CPD (continuing professional development) and support for schools
Through The Beach, schools collaborate, to create bespoke solutions. We work closely with multi academy trusts, maintained schools, higher education establishments, other providers and the Five Counties Teaching School Hub to provide access to services, networks, research and centres of educational excellence.
The Beach is a resource centre for educational excellence and information that enhances and enriches practice within schools and trusts. The Beach works together with schools to meet their individual needs to do the right thing for you, your staff and your children.