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Extend Learning

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Learning environments

Huge, massive thank you to Mendip Green School for illustrating and showcasing some of the very best learning environments and shared spaces you’ll see with this gorgeous video.


This highlights beautifully, the almighty care, effort, time, love, research, research, research, more love, and hours spent around the clock transforming our schools into truly inclusive, calm and inviting spaces for all children and their families to be welcomed into.

We’ve heard things along this journey, such as “where’s all the colour”, “where is all the children’s work”, “that doesn’t look like a classroom”, but we’re sure you’ll agree that once you understand the evidence-based process, and the care and consideration behind such brave and non-traditional classrooms, you can understand how clutter free, distraction free spaces actually really do enhance a child’s learning and contribute to a better experience for all, inclusively.

We’re so proud of all of you for making this happen and come to life.

Thank you.
