Midway though return to school week one
After a weekend of trepidation, nerves and excitement for children and staff we are midway through week one of full school reopening and what a week it has been so far! We have seen and heard so much evidence of how happy children are to be back with their friends in their respective schools. School staff are over the moon to have classrooms full of children again and playgrounds full of noise and energy.
Some children have taken the return to school in their stride, some remained with us throughout and are excited to be all be together again and some are going to need more support and nurture then others to get back into the swing of things again. All of this is ok.
Parents and staff. You have done your best to deliver remote learning during lockdown and get children to engage. The level at which individual children engaged was very much influenced by many factors outside of your control.
Our staff and our children will not be judged on the assessments made over the next few weeks; the targets we set in the autumn are no longer applicable.
What we will be focusing on, is the progress children make from this point moving forwards. As a collaborative trust of eight schools, we believe this is a great opportunity to do the right thing, reset and move on.