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Windwhistle welcome new leader

We are delighted to have appointed a new and permanent headteacher for Windwhistle Primary School in Weston-super-Mare. Robyn-Lee Gibb will officially be joining us at the start of the new school year in September 2023.  


During a rigorous selection process involving staff, pupils, school governors, trustees and ELAN representatives, Miss Gibb proved herself an excellent candidate with a strong and consistent performance over the challenging two-day selection process. 

Miss Gibb is committed to doing the best for the children of Windwhistle School and brings significant leadership and teaching experience, including Mathematics, special education needs (SEN) and social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) specialisms.  


The ELAN board of trustees are confident that this appointment will enable the school to build on its many strengths and further develop its excellent child centred provision. Miss Gibb is very much looking forward to meeting, sharing and building her vision for the future with the school’s community. 


Following the retirement of long serving headteacher Mrs Hunt at the end of December 2022, Interim Headteacher, Jo Walkden has successfully led Windwhistle and will continue to do so until the end of the current school year. One of her key priorities will be to provide a comprehensive handover to Miss Gibb. On behalf of everyone in the school and trust, we’d like to thank Jo for all of her hard work to date.  


We are entering a truly exciting time on the Windwhistle Primary School journey!
